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Key points of long term development of aluminum alloy doors and windows Enterprises

Views:794 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-07-15 09:47:21 Orgin:Site

The competition in the aluminum alloy door and window industry is still fierce this year. Under the heavy pressure of three "mountains" of economic downturn, overcapacity and fierce terminal competition, the profits of many enterprises continue to decline, the industry reshuffle is intensifying, and Matthew effect is increasingly prominent. With the gap in product innovation and brand operation of aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises is widening, the polarization of brands in the future may be more serious. Xiaobian reminds you that if in this era of consumer LED market, now or in the near future, enterprises can not have clear brand positioning and obvious differentiation products, then this aluminum alloy door and window enterprise is likely to not go for a long time.

Aluminum alloy doors and windows industry is in the "brand red sea" stage, lack of marketing ideas, it is difficult to stand out. At present, the homogenization in the industry is serious, copying is popular, and the brand personality is not distinct. If the brand logo is removed, it is difficult for ordinary consumers to distinguish which brand of aluminum alloy doors and windows products are. This directly leads to the fierce price war in the industry, and it is difficult to establish the brand image.

The category, space display and application style of aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises are seriously homogenized, which makes consumers have aesthetic fatigue. Industry insiders say that the mainstream consumer groups are quietly changing. The main consumption force in the past has gradually changed from the post-60s and 70s to the post-80s and 90s' generation. These young consumers' consumption concepts are quite different from those of the previous generation. They are more rational, like things different from others, and pay attention to design, quality and details. However, it is difficult for them to change from most of the current aluminum alloy Jinmen window brand or products are satisfied. It is an opportunity and challenge for the brand to seize the real demand of consumers.

In the past years, aluminum alloy doors and windows products were in short supply. As long as there were products, people would buy them. Because the threshold of the industry was not high, more and more investors joined the industry. After the competition became fierce, many brands only wanted to build larger factories and reduce production costs. However, they lacked broad and avant-garde marketing ideas, and even expanding the production scale was still lack of core It is difficult to stand out in the market of aluminum alloy doors and windows with numerous brands.

The industry has stepped into the optimization period, and it is necessary for aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises to define the brand positioning. Now all walks of life are gradually saturated or even excess capacity. In recent years, a large number of new brands have been born every year, and many old brands have disappeared. Channels have been re differentiated and policies have been confused Aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises are facing many tests. After market reshuffle and survival of the fittest, aluminum alloy doors and windows industry has gradually entered the optimization period, and a new round of market competition has begun.

"Under the new situation, aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises should clarify the brand positioning, strengthen the unique connotation of the brand, and actively embrace changes, which is the attitude that enterprises should have." When talking about the development trend of aluminum door and window industry, a person in charge of aluminum door and window industry said.

In the past, as long as aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises have excellent products, regardless of brand reputation, they can also join the business. Today, the development of the market has prompted the aluminum alloy door and window industry to change the extensive operation mode in the past, and develop towards the direction of refinement. The market positioning requirements of the brand also need to be more clear. Therefore, excellent brand packaging, accurate brand positioning, and clear promotion ideas and directions are particularly important for enterprises to attract investment and open up the market. It is the hard truth that enterprises can survive in the fierce market competition.

To operate a brand of aluminum alloy doors and windows, we need to look for the differences among them, including the differences of products and marketing strategies, and we should be ahead of other brands in order to get the best effect. Therefore, aluminum alloy doors and windows enterprises need to improve their own recognition among dealers and consumers in order to occupy the market highland.
