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How to control the quality of aluminum alloy doors and windows production process

Views:954 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-07-15 09:53:16 Orgin:Site

In order to ensure the quality of bridge broken aluminum doors and windows, profile and sawing processing are the two most critical links. Among them, in the selection of profile, the quality of heat insulation strip inside bridge broken aluminum is very important.

Because this will directly determine the thermal insulation performance of doors and windows. At present, PA66 nylon is the national mandatory standard for the internal use of thermal insulation strips for bridge broken aluminum doors and windows.

Of course, we do not deny that there are heat insulation strips using PVC plastics industry in the market. Although this will reduce the cost, but in the end, it will only be "lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot".

Secondly, during the sawing process of bridge broken aluminum profile, due to the special structure of the profile, a layer of heat insulation strip is sandwiched in the middle, so special attention should be paid to the selection of saw blade for sawing.

For the sawing of bridge broken aluminum profiles, in order to ensure the accuracy of sawing and surface finish, it is still necessary to give "professional things to professional people".

Among them, the use of professional bridge breaking aluminum saw blade to cut bridge aluminum profile can effectively ensure the sawing effect. To achieve no burr in sawing, and the accuracy of sawing can meet all the requirements of the market.

As for the broken bridge aluminum saw blade, because it is specially developed and produced by the saw blade manufacturer for bridge breaking aluminum processing, the performance of the saw blade is very outstanding.

Among them, the bridge breaking aluminum saw blade adopts imported sks steel plate, which effectively ensures the cutting performance of the saw blade. Under the working pressure of high load, it can effectively ensure the stable operation of the saw blade without accident.

Of course, for the sawing of bridge broken aluminum profile, in addition to selecting the right type material and saw blade, we should do a good job in the lubrication and cooling of the saw blade in the whole sawing process, which will greatly extend the service life of the bridge broken aluminum saw blade.

At present, in order to effectively control the quality of bridge broken aluminum doors and windows, adding micro lubrication device in the sawing link to do a good job of cooling the saw blade is the best solution to reduce the service life and cutting effect of the saw blade due to heating.
